Friday, December 18, 2015

Walk in Truth: New Testament

Unit 01
Lesson 06

I had a friend in High School, who wasn't a very close friend, but  he someone that I would spend time with every now and then. He was a grade older than me and when he graduated, we stopped hanging out. It wasn't until I was going to college at BYU-Idaho sitting in my dorm apartment doing homework when I received a text from this friend, "Hello, you probably don't remember me... but do you have time to talk?" surprised that he would text me after years of not speaking to each other, I quickly called him.  When he answered but didn't say anything I asked, "Trevor?" not really sure what he was wanting and without even a "hello" or "how are you doing?" he asked me a question that I will never forget, "why are you so happy?" it wasn't an accusatory question, it was sincere, and it took me so off guard at first I didn't really know what to say back. "What do you mean Trevor?" there was a pause, "well, I've tried everything! ....And I am still not happy. I remember in High School that you were always happy.... and so I wanted to know why... and how?" still feeling a little confused I said, "Trevor, we haven't talked in years... so, I don't really know what you have been up to lately. What have you tried to make yourself happy?" He then explained to me how after he graduated High School he got into drugs, alcohol, going to clubs... pretty much everything that a good little mormon boy shouldn't do. Then he explained to me that his girlfriend for almost 2 years (they had been living together) had left him.... and now he just didn't know what to do! He even said, "I have been going to that surfing place in Salt lake... that makes me happy... sometimes... but it's so expensive! And so I am losing all of my money... I miss my girlfriend.... and I am just miserable!"

 I wasn't really sure what I should say back or how I could help him. I didn't know if I wanted to cry because of the mess he had gotten himself into or laugh that the answer is so clear and he's not seeing it. In that moment these words came into my mind, "he knows" and with that I said, "Trevor, I think you know exactly why you're not happy." I could hear him start to cry over the phone, "I know Rebekah, I know... I just...." I could tell he was struggling to know what to say so I cut in, "you just don't know how to fix it? Or how to change what you've done and who you've been?" I could hear him cry again. 

We ended up talking a long time that night. He decided to go see his bishop and change his life. We didn't speak hardly at all and I didn't ever know what happened until I was on my mission and my mom sent me a picture of him the day he received the melchezidek priesthood. He recently has gotten married and is living the life he always wanted. 

I have thought about that night, almost 4 years ago, often and I have wondered why he chose me out of all the people he knew in High School? He later told me it was because of my example. 

Can an example really make that big of an impact on someone's life? I believe that it can. 

One of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon is when Alma has just been made the chief judge over the land of the Nephites. He has done his best to keep the church strong but he had some difficulty and this is why, "Alma saw the wickedness of the church, and he saw also that the example of the church began to lead those who were unbelievers on from one piece of iniquity to another, thus bringing on the destruction of the people."(Alma 4:11)

It was because of the example of the members that the nonbelievers didn't want anything to do with the church.... which is the one thing that will truly make them happy. I think back on High School, and I didn't do anything drastic or overly dramatic to show that I followed the gospel, but Trevor noticed that I was happy because I was living the gospel. Yeah, he got caught up in some stupid things, but he remembered what would make him truly happy. I wonder what would've happened to Trevor if I hadn't lived the gospel like I should've? We need to remember that people watch us, they watch what we do, say, and how we act. 

Lastly, John in the New Testament, sends a letter to Gaius and I love what he says to him at the very beginning, "I rejoice greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth." (3 James 1:3)

I don't know about you, but I want to be like Gaius, where there is good said of me. That people can tell and testify that I walk in truth... because I am happy.

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